2012년 3월 23일 금요일

Fusion Table Wizard (4/5)

Related Link------------

Fusion Table Wizard (1/5)

Fusion Table Wizard (2/5)

My app publishes on Google play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_test.FusionTableWizard

~ Dressing Row ~ 

1. Insert Rows

1-1. General Tips:

1. Opening the List Picker 'LP Table ID & Column Names';

2. Obtaining Table ID using the same List Picker and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec';

3. Consecutively obtaining all the Column Names using the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec';

4. Repeatedly choosing 'Value (Single Row)' in the List Picker 'LP Value' each time entering in the form each corresponding values in column names order;

5-1. Tapping the button 'INSERT ROWS' after choosing all the values in relation with single row;

5-2. If you want to insert multiple rows after choosing all the values in relation with single row, just choosing 'Multiple Rows' hidden-listed in 'LP Value' before tapping 'INSERT ROWS' 

5-3. Repeating the above items 4 and 5-2; and

6. Tapping the button 'INSERT ROWS' after finishing them.


*** It should be noted that one of list pickers related to locations such as 'LP Location Point', 'LP Location Line' or 'LP Location Polygon' by choosing '*** Location Point ***', '*** Location Line ***' or '*** Location Polygon ***' hidden-listed in '*** Row Insert Value Selection ***' of the List Picker 'LP Value' should be used instead of 'LP Value' if column types in column names order are locations rather than number, string, or date/time. ***

 1-2. Auto Arrange Mode: 

1. If you have already prepared csv file, you can automagically arrange column names and row values by tapping the button 'Auto Arrange Mode' as shown below.

2. When you see the notifying message 'Please be informed that auto arrangement have been finished. Please tapping the button 'INSERT ROWS', just tapping it.

3. Please refer to 'Settings' in 'Intros' regarding the copy, paste and store it,

2. Upload Row

2-1. General Tips:

1. Opening the List Picker 'LP Table ID & Row ID';

2. Obtaining Table ID using the same List Picker and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec';

3. Obtaining Row ID using the same List Picker and the button 'Preview Col Name & Values'; and

4. Updating row using the List Picker 'LP Value Update' and 'Preview Col Name & Values'.

*** If you want to update location data, open one of List Pickers such as 'LP Location Point', 'LP Location Line' and 'LP Location Polygon' using 'Row Update Value Selection' hidden-listed in any List Picker. ***

3. Delete Rows

3-1. General Tps:

1. Opening the List Picker 'LP Delete Rows';

2. Obtaining Table ID using the same List Picker and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec';

3-1. If you want to delete all the rows, tapping the button 'DELETE ROWS';

3-2. If you want to delete one row instead of all, obtaining Row ID using the same List Picker and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec'; and

3-3. Tapping the button 'DELETE ROWS'.

~ to be continued ~ 

Fusion Table Wizard (3/5)

1. Query Data

1-1. General Tps:

1. Regarding Column Spec:

1-1. Opening List Picker 'LP Column Spec';

1-2. Obtaining 'Table ID' using the same list picker and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec'; and


1-3. Obtaining 'Column Spec' using the same list picker and the same button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec', 

1-4. or using only the same list picker 'LP Column Spec';

*** After proceeding said items 1-1 to 1-3, you may tap the button 'SELECT'. ***

*** Otherwise, you may choose one of 'Other Conditions' hidden-listed in most of the List Pickers. ***

*** Other Conditions is comprised of Column Condition, Spatial Condition, Group By, Order By, Sort (ASC | DESC), Offset and Limit. ***

2. Regarding Column Condition:

*** Its syntax consists of 'column name', 'operator' and value (number or string). ***

2-1. Opening the List Picker 'LP Column Condition' and 'LP Value' by selecting one of
                         *** Number ***
*** Column Name, Operator and Value (Number) ***


                         *** String ***
*** Column Name, Operator and Value (String) ***


                 *** Column Condition ***

hidden-listed in

                 *** Other Conditions ***

2-2. Obtaining 'Column Name' using the List Picker 'LP Column Condition' and the button 'Preview Col Name & Values';

2-3. Obtaining operator using 'Operator' hidden-listed in the List Picker 'LP Column Condition'; and

2-4. Obtaining 'Value' using 'Number' or 'String' hidden-listed in the List Picker 'LP Vale' and the button 'Preview Col Name & Values'.

*** After executing said items 1-1 to 1-3 and 2-1 to 2-4, you may tap the button 'SELECT'. ***

*** If selecting 'IN' as operator, you may consecutively choose either one set of multiple numbers or multiple strings. When you finish to consecutively choose either one set of multiple numbers or multiple strings, then you should choose either one of 'Number Finish Procedure In Selection of Operator IN' or 'String Finish Procedure In Selection of Operator IN' hidden-listed in 'LP Value'. ***

3. Regarding 'Spatial Condition':

*** This condition is used as proximity finding to search something within the specified area. ***

3-1. Opening List Picker 'LP Spatial Condition' by choosing either one of *** Circle *** or *** Rectangle *** hidden-listed in *** Spatial Condition *** of *** Other Conditions *** in any List Pickers.

3-2. Obtaining 'Location Column' that contains location data using the List Picker 'LP Spatial Condition' and the button 'Preview Col Name & Values';

3-3. Entering the corresponding latitude and longitude in either case of circle or rectangle; and

3-4. Choosing either corresponding one of 'Circle' or 'Rectangle' hidden-listed in 'Geometry' of 'LP Spatial Condition'.

4. Regarding 'Group By':

4-1. Obtaining 'Column Name' using 'LP Group By' and 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec'.

5. Regarding 'Order By'

*** 'Order By' has two kinds of categories such as 'Column Spec' and 'Spatial Relationship' ***

5-1. Regarding 'Column Spec':

5-1-1. Obtaining 'Column Spec' using the List Picker 'LP Order By' and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec', or using only the List Picker 'LP Order By'.

5-2. Regarding 'Spatial Relationship':

5-2-1. Obtaining 'Location Column' that contains location data using the List Picker 'LP Order BY' and the button 'Preview Col Name & Value';

5-2-2. Entering latitude and longitude; and     

5-2-3. Choosing 'Coordinate' hidden-listed in 'Spatial Relationship' of 'LP Order By'.

6. Regarding 'Sort (ASC | DESC)':

6-1. Choosing either one of 'ASC' or 'DESC' hidden-listed in 'LP Sort (ASC | DESC)'.

7. Regarding 'OFFSET' or 'LIMIT':

7-1. Entering number; and

7-2. Choosing 'NUMBER' hidden-listed in either one of 'LP OFFSET' or 'LP LIMIT'.

*** Pagination can be accomplished using Offset and Limit. ***

~ to be continued ~ 

Fusion Table Wizard (2/5)

1. Create Table

1-1. General Tps: 

1. Entering Table Name;

2. Entering Column Name;

3. Opening List Picker 'LP Pairing Type';

4. Selecting data type;

5. Repeating said items 2 to 4 for all Column Name; and

6. Tapping bottom 'CREATE TABLE'.

*** If bottom text box has csv text, automagically and sequentially entering column name one by one by tapping button 'Auto Input Mode' shown below. In auto mode, repeating said items 3 to 4 each time entering one column name. ***

2. Create View

2-1. General Tps: 

1. Entering view name and choosing 'View Name' hidden-listed in List Picker 'LP Create View';

2. Obtaining table id,  one or more columns name and aliases using items hidden-listed in 'Column Spec' of the same list picker and using preview buttons;

*** After executing said items 1 and 2, you may tap the button 'CREATE VIEW'. *** 

3. Further obtaining column name and value (number or string) using items hidden-listed in 'Column Condition' of 'LP Create View' and preview button; and

4. Tapping the button 'CREATE VIEW'.

3. Delete Table

3-1. General Tps: 

1. Opening List Picker 'LP Drop Table;

2. Obtaining Table ID using the same List Picker and the button 'Preview Table ID or Col Spec'; and

3. Tapping the button 'DROP TABLE'.

~ to be continued ~